Prayers for today, Thursday, April 26


Please join me in prayer, “Dear Lord, this is the day you have made. Help us rejoice and be glad in this day! Use Nancy to your glory. Help her be a peaceful pilgrim today as you prepare her for giving the talk tonight. Bless Nancy and Robert with peaceful pilgrimages today as they explore Athens and all the rich history in the many ancient ruins. Give them grace to move slowly and to savor. Prepare those who are considering attending tonight’s talk. Oh Lord, prepare their hearts and minds to receive words of peace and grace, acceptance and celebration. And anything else you see that we need, dear Lord, we ask for in your name, Amen.”  Thank you if you happen to be reading this today. Robert and I are trying to figure out if Athens is 7 or 8 hours earlier than Central Time. So we at least have it narrowed down... so in Wisconsin for example, you could pray for us during the time block of 10:15 am to 12:15 pm and you will cover us.

The title of the talk is, “Isn’t religion supposed to be about love? LGBTQ people narrating their journeys onward full inclusion in Church.” Last night when we had dinner with Villy, she said that some people might come to tonight’s talk just to “see a woman pastor.” In Greece, there are no women pastors. I never realized that. According to recorded statistics, Greece is at least theoretically over 95% Greek Orthodox.  If I am getting that right. Within the Greek Orthodox Church, there are only male priests. My next blog entry, if I can figure it out, will be an outline draft of tonight’s talk. Thank you so much for your prayers. I woke up this morning with a deep sense of gratitude. What are the chances that I would get such an opportunity? Villy said that one of the persons who filed the complaint against Greek Orthodox priest has been invited to come tonight. Villy has no idea if he will come, but, I am thrilled he was invited.

This is getting long, sorry. On Nov. 16, 2017 Metropolitan Amvrosios of Kalavryta stood trial with charges of publicly inciting violence against gay people and abuse of his ecclesiastical office. Attorney Papntoleon said the priest would stand before a court after statements he made in 2015 against the cohabitation agreement for homosexual couples. In early December, 2015 the Metropolitan labeled homosexuals the scum of society, urging his flock to attack them Burn them Discard them Damn them, he wrote. On Jan 16, 2016 nine citizens filed a lawsuit against him for his statements. According to Article 196 of the Criminal Code, actions or words of any religious figure who, while exercising his or her duties incites citizens to violence against another citizens, is punishable by imprisonment of up to three years. The lawsuit was finally upheld by the prosecutor who referred the priest to trial on March 15, 2018. This Greek Orthodox Bishop was acquitted of hate speech.